Monday, October 05, 2009

Henning Pauly - Credit Where Credit is Due

There are many situations in a musician’s life that can make him/her disappear of the music world. Such situations can be handled differently by each and one of them. So what happens when Henning Pauly is involved in such type of situation (the Bach fiasco)? He writes an album (along with Matt Cash, Edward Heppenstall, and Jason McSheehy who contributed with the lyrics and vocal melodies) of certain and specific situations that occurred during and after the recording sessions of Frameshift’s An Absence of Empathy and gives them a little twist of his own (musically speaking) and comes up with Credit Where Credit is Due, an album where he says “I had a lot of fun in doing.

Song titles such as “I Like My Video Games”, “Your Mother is a Trucker”, “Copyright Conspiracy”, “Halo” and “German Metalhead” are just some of the songs that make up this album. Highlights of the album include “Halo: (which is my personal favorite even though I have not played Halo the game) include an amazing set of orchestration sections. The lyrics are fantastic and creative. The vocal melody of “Three” is very memorable in the chorus section as well as the classical guitar solo. “Seven” is highlighted by Roos’ vocals. He is an amazing vocalist who can scream like Bach and sing like Geoff Tate. “My Video Games” is a song that is very up tempo and fun to listen. The song title itself tells the story on this cut.

Credit Where Credit is Due is an album that is very different from Frameshift, Chain and Pauly’s both solo efforts Colored Lines and 13 Days but still the Henning signature sound is present all over the album: banjo, electronic sampling in the background, orchestration. You can easily tell (if you are familiar with his material) that it is Henning Pauly behind the instruments. Juan Roos voice stands out on his own. He can sing high and low and can scream without breaking his voice. Overall the album is very enjoyable and will appeal to fans of Nine Inch Nails, Porcupine Tree, and Pain of Salvation. It is something new and it is a refresher.


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